
Ubla – Blindspots is looking for support

Hello all,

We need people who want to support us and can be in Ubla Slovakia for at least 2 weeks. We need this from NOW and for the next 3 months we are sure that the situation will not change.

We at Blindspots have decided to open a new base on the Ukrainian-Slovakian border. We are in the process of setting up structures there that will allow us to distribute food items as well as non-food items to Ukraine for the next year.

Since evacuation trips from Ukrainian cities are also not covered, we will carry them out. With our EXIT buses this will take place in cooperation with Ukrainian drivers and we are also in exchange with the HELP BUS.

The goal is to build up next to our warehouse in Ubla Slovakia another one in Ukraine just across the border. The reason for this is that we can find blindspots in the Ukraine even better and more targeted and supply them.

So if you have time and capacities please contact us:
Info@blindspots.support / 0049 1639371399

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